
ผู้ใช้:Patsagorn Y./กระบะทราย/American bison

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี

ช่วงเวลาที่มีชีวิตอยู่: 0.01–0Ma

ตั้งแต่ โฮโลซีน – ปัจจุบัน
สื่ออื่น ๆ
การจำแนกชั้นทางวิทยาศาสตร์ แก้ไขการจำแนกนี้
โดเมน: ยูแคริโอตา
อาณาจักร: สัตว์
ไฟลัม: สัตว์มีแกนสันหลัง
ชั้น: สัตว์เลี้ยงลูกด้วยนม
อันดับ: สัตว์กีบคู่
วงศ์: วงศ์วัวและควาย
วงศ์ย่อย: วัวและควาย
เผ่าย่อย: Bovina
สกุล: Bison

(Linnaeus, 1758)
สปีชีส์: Bison Bison
Bison Bison
(Linnaeus, 1758)

B. b. athabascae
B. b. bison

  • Bos americanus Gmelin, 1788
  • Bos bison Linnaeus, 1758
  • Bison americanus (Gmelin, 1788
  • Bison bison montanae Krumbiegel, 1980

อะเมริกัน ไบซัน หรือที่เรียกว่า ไบซัน (อังกฤษ: American Bison, Bison) รู้จักกันในนามของ



The term buffalo is sometimes considered to be a misnomer for this animal, and could be confused with "true" buffalos, the Asian water buffalo and the African buffalo. However, bison is a Greek word meaning ox-like animal, while buffalo originated with the French fur trappers who called these massive beasts bœufs, meaning ox or bullock—so both names, bison and buffalo, have a similar meaning. The name buffalo is listed in many dictionaries as an acceptable name for American buffalo or bison. Samuel de Champlain applied the term buffalo (buffles in French) to the bison in 1616 (published 1619), after seeing skins and a drawing shown to him by members of the Nipissing First Nation, who said they travelled forty days (from east of Lake Huron) to trade with another nation who hunted the animals.[2] In English usage, the term buffalo dates to 1625 in North America, when the term was first recorded for the American mammal.[3] It thus has a much longer history than the term bison, which was first recorded in 1774.[4] The American bison is very closely related to the European bison (also known as wisent or the European wood bison).

In Plains Indian languages in general, male and female buffaloes are distinguished, with each having a different designation rather than there being a single generic word covering both sexes. Thus:

  • in Arapaho: bii (buffalo cow), henéécee (buffalo bull)
  • in Lakota: pté (buffalo cow), tȟatȟáŋka (buffalo bull)

Such a distinction is not a general feature of the language (for example, Arapaho possesses gender-neutral terms for other large mammals such as elk, mule deer, etc.), and so presumably is due to the special significance of the buffalo in Plains Indian life and culture.


Adult male (farther) and adult female (closer), in Yellowstone National Park

A bison has a shaggy, long, dark-brown winter coat, and a lighter-weight, lighter-brown summer coat. As is typical in ungulates, the male bison is slightly larger than the female and, in some cases, can be considerably heavier. Plains bison are often in the smaller range of sizes, and wood bison in the larger range. Head-rump lengths range from 2 ถึง 2.8 m (6.6 ถึง 9.2 ft) long and the tail adding 30 ถึง 43 ซm (12 ถึง 17 in) or up to 65 ซm (26 in).[5][6] Heights at withers in the species can range from 152 ถึง 186 ซm (60 ถึง 73 in) for B. b. bison while B. b. athabascae reaches over 2 m (6.6 ft)[6]. Weights can range from 318 ถึง 1,000 kg (701 ถึง 2,205 lb)[7][8][9] Typical weight ranges in the species were reported as 460 ถึง 988 kg (1,014 ถึง 2,178 lb) in males and 360 ถึง 544 kg (794 ถึง 1,199 lb) in females, the lowest weights probably representing typical weight around the age of sexual maturity at 2 to 3 years of age.[10] Mature bulls tend to be considerably larger than cows. Cow weights have had reported medians of 450 ถึง 495 kg (992 ถึง 1,091 lb), with one small sample averaging 479 kg (1,056 lb), whereas bulls may reportedly weigh a median of 730 kg (1,610 lb) with an average from a small sample of 765 kg (1,687 lb).[11][12][13][14] The heaviest wild bull ever recorded weighed 1,270 kg (2,800 lb).[15] When raised in captivity and farmed for meat, the bison can grow unnaturally heavy and the largest semidomestic bison weighed 1,724 kg (3,801 lb).[7] The heads and forequarters are massive, and both sexes have short, curved horns that can grow up to 2 ft (61 ซm) long, which they use in fighting for status within the herd and for defense.

A museum display shows the full skeleton of an adult male bison

Bison are herbivores, grazing on the grasses and sedges of the North American prairies. Their daily schedule involves two-hour periods of grazing, resting, and cud chewing, then moving to a new location to graze again. Sexually mature young bulls may try to start mating with cows by the age of two or three years, but if more mature bulls are present, they may not be able to compete until they reach five years of age.

For the first two months of life, calves are lighter in color than mature bison. One very rare condition is the white buffalo, in which the calf turns entirely white.

Differences from European bison

An adult European bison

Although they are superficially similar, the American and European bison exhibit a number of physical and behavioral differences. Adult American bison are slightly heavier on average because of their less rangy build, and have shorter legs, which render them slightly shorter at the shoulder.[16] American bison tend to graze more, and browse less than their European relatives, because their necks are set differently. Compared to the nose of the American bison, that of the European species is set farther forward than the forehead when the neck is in a neutral position. The body of the American bison is hairier, though its tail has less hair than that of the European bison. The horns of the European bison point forward through the plane of its face, making it more adept at fighting through the interlocking of horns in the same manner as domestic cattle, unlike the American bison which favors charging.[17] American bison are more easily tamed than the European, and breed more readily with domestic cattle.[18]



The bovine family (taurids and bisonids) diverged from the common ancestral line with water buffalo and African buffalo about 5 to 10 million years ago.[19] Thereafter, the family lineage of bison and taurine cattle does not appear to be a straightforward "tree" structure as is often depicted in much evolution, because evidence exists of interbreeding and crossbreeding between different species and members within this family, even many millions of years after their ancestors separated into different species. This cross breeding was not sufficient to conflate the different species back together, but it has resulted in unexpected relationships between many members of this group, such as yak being related to American bison, when such relationships would otherwise not be apparent.

A 2003 study of mitochondrial DNA indicated four distinct maternal lineages in subtribe Bovina:

  1. Taurine cattle and zebu
  2. European bison (wisent)
  3. American bison and yak[20]
  4. Banteng, gaur, and gayal

However, Y chromosome analysis associated wisent and American bison.[21] An earlier study using amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting showed a close association of wisent and American bison and probably with yak, but noted that the interbreeding of Bovini species made determining relationships problematic.[22] It is shown, however, the wisent may have emerged by species divergence initiated by the introgression of bison bulls in a separate ancestral species,[23] the aurochs.[24]

Last of the Canadian Buffaloes, 1902, photograph: Steele and Company

The steppe bison (Bison priscus) diverged from the lineage that led to cattle (Bos taurus) about 2 to 5 million years ago. The bison genus is clearly in the fossil record by 2 million years ago.[8] The steppe bison spread across Eurasia and was the bison that was pictured in the ancient cave paintings of Spain and Southern France.

The European bison arose from the steppe bison, without fossil evidence of other ancestral species between the steppe bison and the European bison, though the European bison might have arisen from the lineage that led to American bison if that lineage backcrossed with the steppe bison. Again, the web of relationships is confusing, but some evidence shows the European bison is descended from bison that had migrated from Asia to North America, and then back to Europe, where they crossbred with existing steppe bison.[8]

At one point, some steppe bison crossbred with the ancestors of the modern yak. After that cross, a population of steppe bison (Bison priscus) crossed the Bering Land Bridge to North America. Evidence has been found of multiple crossings of bison to and from Asia starting before 500,000 years ago and continuing until at least 220,000 years ago. The steppe bison spread through the northern parts of North America and lived in Eurasia until roughly 11,000 years ago[25] and North America until 4,000 to 8,000 years ago.[8]

Bison latifrons (giant bison or longhorn bison) is thought to have evolved in midcontinent North America from B. priscus, after the steppe bison crossed into North America.[26][27][28] Giant bison (B. latifrons) appeared in the fossil record around 500,000 years ago.[8] B. latifrons was one of many species of North American megafauna which became extinct during the Quaternary extinction event. It is thought to have disappeared some 21,000–30,000 years ago, during the late Wisconsin glaciation.[29]

The B. latifrons species was replaced by the smaller Bison antiquus. B. antiquus appeared in the North American fossil record approximately 250,000 years ago.[30] B. antiquus, in turn, evolved into B. occidentalis, then into the yet smaller B. bison—the modern American bison—some 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.[31][32] Some researchers consider B. occidentalis to be a subspecies of B. antiquus.[33]

Pile of American bison skulls to be used for fertilizer in the mid-1870s

During the population bottleneck, after the great slaughter of American bison during the 1800s, the number of bison remaining alive in North America declined to as low as 541. During that period, a handful of ranchers gathered remnants of the existing herds to save the species from extinction. These ranchers bred some of the bison with cattle in an effort to produce "cattlo".[34] Accidental crossings were also known to occur. Generally, male domestic bulls were crossed with buffalo cows, producing offspring of which only the females were fertile. The crossbred animals did not demonstrate any form of hybrid vigor, so the practice was abandoned. The proportion of cattle DNA that has been measured in introgressed individuals and bison herds today is typically quite low, ranging from 0.56 to 1.8%.[34][35] In the United States, many ranchers are now using DNA testing to cull the residual cattle genetics from their bison herds. The U.S. National Bison Association has adopted a code of ethics which prohibits its members from deliberately crossbreeding bison with any other species.แม่แบบ:Contradict-inline

Range and population

Bison herd grazing at the National Bison Range in Montana

Despite being the closest relatives of domestic cattle native to North America, bison were never domesticated by Native Americans. Later attempts of domestication by Europeans prior to the 20th century met with limited success. Bison were described as having a "wild and ungovernable temper";[36] they can jump close to 6 ft (1.8 m) vertically,[37] and run 35–40 mph (56–64 km/h) when agitated. This agility and speed, combined with their great size and weight, makes bison herds difficult to confine, as they can easily escape or destroy most fencing systems, including most razor wire.The most successful systems involve large, 20 ft. high fences made from welded steel I beams sunk at least 6 feet or more into concrete. These fencing systems, while expensive, require very little maintenance. Furthermore, making the fence sections overlap so the grassy areas beyond are not visible prevents the buffalo from trying to get to new range.

About 500,000 bison currently exist on private lands and around 30,000 on public lands which includes environmental and government preserves.[38] According to the IUCN, roughly 15,000 bison are considered wild, free-range bison not primarily confined by fencing.

The southern extent of the historic range of the American bison includes northern Mexico and adjoining areas in the United States as documented by archeological records and historical accounts from Mexican archives from AD 700 to the 19th century. The Janos-Hidalgo bison herd has ranged between Chihuahua, Mexico, and New Mexico, United States, since at least the 1920s.[39] The persistence of this herd suggests that habitat for bison is suitable in northern Mexico. In 2009, genetically pure bison were reintroduced to the Janos Biosphere Reserve in northern Chihuahua adding to the Mexican bison population.[40] The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has reintroduced bison to over a dozen nature preserves around the United States. In October 2016 TNC established the easternmost bison herd in the county, at Kankakee Sands Nature Preserve in Morocco, Newton County, Indiana.[41] In 2014, U.S Tribes and Canadian First Nations signed a treaty to help with the restoration of bison, the first to be signed in nearly 150 years.[42]

Bison trails


The first thoroughfares of North America, except for the time-obliterated paths of mastodon or muskox and the routes of the mound builders, were the traces made by bison and deer in seasonal migration and between feeding grounds and salt licks. Many of these routes, hammered by countless hoofs instinctively following watersheds and the crests of ridges in avoidance of lower places' summer muck and winter snowdrifts, were followed by the aboriginal North Americans as courses to hunting grounds and as warriors' paths. They were invaluable to explorers and were adopted by pioneers.

Bison traces were characteristically north and south, but several key east-west trails were used later as railways. Some of these include the Cumberland Gap through the Blue Ridge Mountains to upper Kentucky. A heavily used trace crossed the Ohio River at the Falls of the Ohio and ran west, crossing the Wabash River near Vincennes, Indiana. In Senator Thomas Hart Benton's phrase saluting these sagacious path-makers, the bison paved the way for the railroads to the Pacific.[43]


A group of bison trudge across the landscape at the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming.

American bison live in river valleys, and on prairies and plains. Typical habitat is open or semiopen grasslands, as well as sagebrush, semiarid lands, and scrublands. Some lightly wooded areas are also known historically to have supported bison. Bison also graze in hilly or mountainous areas where the slopes are not steep. Though not particularly known as high-altitude animals, bison in the Yellowstone Park bison herd are frequently found at elevations above 8,000 feet and the Henry Mountains bison herd is found on the plains around the Henry Mountains, Utah, as well as in mountain valleys of the Henry Mountains to an altitude of 10,000 feet.

As livestock


Bison are increasingly raised for meat, hide, wool, and dairy products. The majority of American bison in the world are raised for human consumption or fur clothing. Bison meat is generally considered to taste very similar to beef, but is lower in fat and cholesterol, yet higher in protein than beef,[44] which has led to the development of beefalo, a fertile hybrid of bison and domestic cattle.[45] In 2005, about 35,000 bison were processed for meat in the U.S., with the National Bison Association and USDA providing a "Certified American Buffalo" program with birth-to-consumer tracking of bison via RFID ear tags. A market even exists for kosher bison meat; these bison are slaughtered at one of the few kosher mammal slaughterhouses in the U.S., and the meat is then distributed nationwide.

Canned bison meat for sale.

Bison are found in publicly and privately held herds. Custer State Park in South Dakota is home to 1,500 bison, one of the largest publicly held herds in the world, but some question the genetic purity of the animals. Wildlife officials believe that free roaming and genetically pure herds on public lands in North America can be found only in the Yellowstone Park bison herd,[46] the Henry Mountains bison herd at the Book Cliffs and Henry Mountains in Utah, at Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota, Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Montana, Mackenzie Bison Sanctuary in the Northwest Territories, Elk Island National Park and Wood Buffalo National Park in Alberta, and Prince Albert National Park in Saskatchewan. Another population, the Antelope Island bison herd on Antelope Island in Utah, consisting of 550 to 700 bison, is also one of the largest and oldest public herds in the United States, but the bison in that herd are considered to be only semifree roaming, since they are confined to the Antelope Island. In addition, recent genetic studies indicate that, like most bison herds, the Antelope Island bison herd has a small number of genes from domestic cattle. In 2002, the United States government donated some bison calves from South Dakota and Colorado to the Mexican government. Their descendants live in the Mexican nature reserves El Uno Ranch at Janos and Santa Elena Canyon, Chihuahua, and Boquillas del Carmen, Coahuila, located near the southern banks of the Rio Grande, and around the grassland state line with Texas and New Mexico.

Recent genetic studies of privately owned herds of bison show that many of them include animals with genes from domestic cattle.[46] For example, the herd on Santa Catalina Island, California, isolated since 1924 after being brought there for a movie shoot, were found to have cattle introgression.[47] As few as 12,000 to 15,000 pure bison are estimated to remain in the world. The numbers are uncertain because the tests used to date—mitochondrial DNA analysis—indicate only if the maternal line (back from mother to mother) ever included domesticated bovines, thus say nothing about possible male input in the process. Most hybrids were found to look exactly like purebred bison; therefore, appearance is not a good indicator of genetics.

The size of the Canadian domesticated herd (genetic questions aside) grew dramatically through the 1990s and 2000s. The 2006 Census of Agriculture reported the Canadian herd at 195,728 head, a 34.9% increase since 2001.[48] Of this total, over 95% was located in Western Canada, and less than 5% in Eastern Canada. Alberta was the province with the largest herd, accounting for 49.7% of the herd and 45.8% of the farms. The next-largest herds were in Saskatchewan (23.9%), Manitoba (10%), and British Columbia (6%). The main producing regions were in the northern parts of the Canadian prairies, specifically in the parkland belt, with the Peace River region (shared between Alberta and British Columbia) being the most important cluster, accounting for 14.4% of the national herd.[48] Canada also exports bison meat, totaling 2,075,253 กิโลกรัม (4,575,150 ปอนด์) in 2006.[49]

A proposal known as Buffalo Commons has been suggested by a handful of academics and policymakers to restore large parts of the drier portion of the Great Plains to native prairie grazed by bison. Proponents argue that current agricultural use of the shortgrass prairie is not sustainable, pointing to periodic disasters, including the Dust Bowl, and continuing significant human population loss over the last 60 years. However, this plan is opposed by some who live in the areas in question.[46]

Behavior and ecology

Herd of bison in Yellowstone National Park
Grazing in winter, Yellowstone National Park: Bison use their heads to clear out snow for the grass.
American bison galloping, photos by Eadweard Muybridge, first published in 1887 in Animal Locomotion

Bison are migratory and herd migrations can be directional as well as altitudinal in some areas.[50][51][52] Bison have usual daily movements between foraging sites during the summer. In a montane valley, bison have been recorded traveling, on average, 2 ไมล์ (3.2 กิโลเมตร) per day.[52] The summer ranges of bison appear to be influenced by seasonal vegetation changes, interspersion and size of foraging sites, the rut, and the number of biting insects.[50] The size of preserve and availability of water may also be a factor.[52] Bison are largely grazers, eating primarily grasses and sedges. On shortgrass pasture, bison predominately consume warm-season grasses.[53] On mixed prairie, cool-season grasses, including some sedges, apparently compose 79–96% of their diet.[54] In montane and northern areas, sedges are selected throughout the year.[50] Bison also drink water or consume snow on a daily basis.[52]

Social behavior and reproduction

Bison fighting in Grand Teton National Park in Moose, Wyoming

Female bison live in maternal herds which include other females and their offspring. Male offspring leave their maternal herd when around three years old and either live alone or join other males in bachelor herds. Male and female herds usually do not mingle until the breeding season, which can occur from July through September.[55] However, female herds may also contain a few older males. During the breeding season, dominant bulls maintain a small harem of females for mating. Individual bulls "tend" cows until allowed to mate, by following them around and chasing away rival males. The tending bull shields the female's vision with his body so she will not see any other challenging males. A challenging bull may bellow or roar to get a female's attention and the tending bull has to bellow/roar back.[56] The most dominant bulls mate in the first 2–3 weeks of the season.[56] More subordinate bulls mate with any remaining estrous cow that has not mated yet. Male bison play no part in raising the young.

Bison herds have dominance hierarchies that exist for both males and females. A bison's dominance is related to its birth date.[57] Bison born earlier in the breeding season are more likely to be larger and more dominant as adults.[57] Thus, bison are able to pass on their dominance to their offspring as dominant bison breed earlier in the season. In addition to dominance, the older bison of a generation also have a higher fertility rate than the younger ones.[57]


Bison mate in August and September; gestation is 285 days. A single reddish-brown calf nurses until the next calf is born. If the cow is not pregnant, a calf will nurse for 18 months. Cows nurse their calves for at least 7 or 8 months, but most calves seem to be weaned before the end of their first year.[52] At three years of age, bison cows are mature enough to produce a calf.

Bison have a life expectancy around 15 years in the wild and up to 25 years in captivity.

Bison have been observed to display homosexual behaviors, males much more so than females. In the case of males, it is unlikely to be related to dominance, but rather to social bonding or gaining sexual experience.[58]



Bison mate in late spring and summer in more open plain areas. During fall and winter, bison tend to gather in more wooded areas. During this time, bison partake in horning behaviors. They rub their horns against trees, young saplings, and even utility poles. Aromatic trees like cedars and pine seem to be preferred. Horning appears to be associated with insect defense, as it occurs most often in the fall when the insect population is at its highest.[59] Cedar and pines emit an aroma after bison horn them and this seems to be used as a deterrent for insects.[59]

Wallowing behavior


A bison wallow is a shallow depression in the soil, which bison use either wet or dry. Bison roll in these depressions, covering themselves with dust or mud. Past and current hypotheses to explain the purpose of wallowing include grooming associated with shedding, male-male interaction (typically rutting), social behavior for group cohesion, play, relief from skin irritation due to biting insects, reduction of ectoparasite (tick and lice) load, and thermoregulation.[60] Bison wallowing has important ecosystem engineering effects and enhances plant and animal diversity on prairies.[61]


American bison standing its ground against a wolf pack.
Wolf-Bison Demonstration at Wolf Park, Indiana.

While often secure from predation because of their size and strength, in some areas, bison are regularly preyed upon by wolves. Wolf predation typically peaks in late spring and early summer, with attacks usually being concentrated on cows and calves. Wolves more actively target herds with calves than those without. The length of a predation episode varies, ranging from a few minutes to over nine hours.[62][63] Bison display five apparent defense strategies in protecting calves from wolves: running to a cow, running to a herd, running to the nearest bull, running in the front or center of a stampeding herd, and entering water bodies such as lakes or rivers. When fleeing wolves in open areas, cows with young calves take the lead, while bulls take to the rear of the herds, to guard the cows' escape. Bison typically ignore wolves not displaying hunting behavior.[64] Wolf packs specializing in bison tend to have more males, because their larger size than females allows them to wrestle prey to the ground more effectively.[65] Healthy, mature bulls in herds rarely fall prey. Grizzly bears can also pose a threat to calves and sometimes old, injured, or sick adult bison.

Dangers to humans

Tourists get close to a wild herd of American Bison to take a photo at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming

Bison are among the most dangerous animals encountered by visitors to the various North American national parks and will attack humans if provoked. They appear slow because of their lethargic movements, but can easily outrun humans; bison have been observed running as fast as 40 mph (64 km/h).

Between 1980 and 1999, more than three times as many people in Yellowstone National Park were injured by bison than by bears. During this period, bison charged and injured 79 people, with injuries ranging from goring puncture wounds and broken bones to bruises and abrasions. Bears injured 24 people during the same time. Three people died from the injuries inflicted—one person by bison in 1983, and two people by bears in 1984 and 1986.[66]


Map from 1889 by William T. Hornaday, illustrating the Extermination of the American Bison
Bison hunt under the wolf-skin mask, 1832–33
Bison being chased off a cliff as "seen" and painted by Alfred Jacob Miller

Buffalo hunting (hunting of the American bison) was an activity fundamental to the Midwestern Native Americans, which was later adopted by American professional hunters as well as by the U.S. government to sabotage a central foodstuff of local tribes and force them into reservations, leading to the near-extinction of the species around 1890.[67] It has since begun to recover.

Year American
bison (est)
Pre-1800 60,000,000[68]
1830 40,000,000[68]
1840 35,650,000[69]
1870 5,500,000[68]
1880 395,000[69]
1889 541 (U.S.)[70]
1900 300 (U.S.)[68]
1944–47 5,000 (U.S.)[71] 15,000 (Canada)[69]
1951 23,340[72]
2000 360,000
Range history of bison in North America
Original distribution of plains bison and wood bison in North America along the "Great bison belt". Holocene bison (Bison occidentalis) is an earlier form at the origin of plains bison and wood bison.
  Holocene bison
  Wood bison
  Plains bison
Map of the extermination of the bison to 1889. This map based on William Temple Hornaday's late-19th century research.
  Original range
  Range as of 1870
  Range as of 1889
Distribution of public herds of plains bison and of free-ranging or captive breeding wood bison in North America as of 2003.
  Wood bison
  Plains bison



A major problem that bison face today is a lack of genetic diversity due to the population bottleneck the species experienced during its near-extinction event. Another genetic issue is the entry of genes from domestic cattle into the bison population, through hybridization.[46]

Officially, the "American buffalo" is classified by the United States government as a type of cattle, and the government allows private herds to be managed as such. This is a reflection of the characteristics that bison share with cattle. Though the American bison is not only a separate species, but also is usually regarded as being in a separate genus from domestic cattle (Bos taurus), they clearly have a lot of genetic compatibility and American bison can interbreed with cattle, although only the female offspring are fertile in the first generation. These female hybrids can be bred back to either bison or domestic bulls, resulting in either 1/4 or 3/4 bison young. Female offspring from this cross are also fertile, but males are not reliably fertile unless they are either 7/8 bison or 7/8 domestic.[73] Moreover, when they do interbreed, crossbreed animals in the first generation tend to look very much like purebred bison, so appearance is completely unreliable as a means of determining what is a purebred bison and what is a crossbred cow. Many ranchers have deliberately crossbred their cattle with bison, and some natural hybridization could be expected in areas where cattle and bison occur in the same range. Since cattle and bison eat similar food and tolerate similar conditions, they have often been in the same range together in the past, and opportunity for crossbreeding may sometimes have been common.

In recent decades, tests were developed to determine the source of mitochondrial DNA in cattle and bison, and most private "buffalo" herds were actually crossbred with cattle, and even most state and federal buffalo herds had some cattle DNA. With the advent of nuclear microsatellite DNA testing, the number of herds known to contain cattle genes has increased. Though about 500,000 bison exist on private ranches and in public herds, perhaps only 15,000 to 25,000 of these bison are pure and not actually bison-cattle hybrids. "DNA from domestic cattle (Bos taurus) has been detected in nearly all bison herds examined to date."[74] Significant public bison herds that do not appear to have hybridized domestic cattle genes are the Yellowstone Park bison herd, the Henry Mountains bison herd, which was started with bison taken from Yellowstone Park, the Wind Cave bison herd, and the Wood Buffalo National Park bison herd and subsidiary herds started from it, in Canada.

A landmark study of bison genetics performed by James Derr of Texas A&M University corroborated this.[75] The Derr study was undertaken in an attempt to determine what genetic problems bison might face as they repopulate former areas, and it noted that bison seem to be adapting successfully, despite their apparent genetic bottleneck. One possible explanation for this might be the small amount of domestic cattle genes that are now in most bison populations, though this is not the only possible explanation for bison success.

A wood bison around Coal River in Canada

In the study, cattle genes were also found in small amounts throughout most national, state and private herds. "The hybridization experiments conducted by some of the owners of the five foundation herds of the late 1800s, have left a legacy of a small amount of cattle genetics in many of our existing bison herds." He also said, "All of the state owned bison herds tested (except for possibly one) contain animals with domestic cattle mtDNA."[75] It appears that the one state herd that had no cattle genes was the Henry Mountains bison herd; the Henry Mountain herd was started initially with transplanted animals from Yellowstone Park. However, the extension of this herd into the Book Cliffs of central Utah involved mixing the founders with additional bison from another source, so it is not known if the Book Cliffs extension of the herd is also free of cattle hybridization.

A separate study by Wilson and Strobeck, published in Genome, was done to define the relationships between different herds of bison in the United States and Canada, and to determine whether the bison at Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada and the Yellowstone Park bison herd were possibly separate subspecies. The Wood Buffalo Park bison were determined to actually be crossbreeds between plains and wood bison, but their predominant genetic makeup was that of the expected "wood buffalo".[76] However, the Yellowstone Park bison herd was pure plains bison, and not any of the other previously suggested subspecies. Another finding was that the bison in the Antelope Island herd in Utah appeared to be more distantly related to other plains bison in general than any other plains bison group that was tested, though this might be due to genetic drift caused by the small size of only 12 individuals in the founder population. A side finding of this was that the Antelope Island bison herd appears to be most closely related to the Wood Buffalo National Park bison herd, though the Antelope Island bison are actually plains bison.

As a symbol


Native Americans


Among Native American tribes, especially the Plains Indians, the bison is considered a sacred animal and religious symbol. According to University of Montana anthropology and Native American studies professor S. Neyooxet Greymorning, "The creation stories of where buffalo came from put them in a very spiritual place among many tribes. The buffalo crossed many different areas and functions, and it was utilized in many ways. It was used in ceremonies, as well as to make tipi covers that provided homes for people, utensils, shields, weapons and parts were used for sewing with the sinew."[77] The Sioux consider the birth of a white buffalo to be the return of White Buffalo Calf Woman, their primary cultural prophet and the bringer of their "Seven Sacred Rites". Among the Mandan and Hidatsa, the White Buffalo Cow Society was the most sacred of societies for women.

North America

Wyoming uses a bison in its state flag
Manitoba uses a bison in its provincial flag, as seen inside the Manitoban coat of arms
The 1935 Buffalo nickel—this style of coin featuring an American bison was produced from 1913 to 1938
Series 1901 $10 legal tender depicting military explorers Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and an American bison
First postage stamp with image of bison was issued US in 1898—4¢ "Indian Hunting Buffalo", part of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition commemorative series

The American bison is often used in North America in official seals, flags, and logos. In 2016, the American bison became the national mammal of the United States.[78] The bison is a popular symbol in the Great Plains states: Kansas, Oklahoma, and Wyoming have adopted the animal as their official state mammal, and many sports teams have chosen the bison as their mascot. In Canada, the bison is the official animal of the province of Manitoba and appears on the Manitoba flag. It is also used in the official coat of arms of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Several American coins feature the bison, most famously on the reverse side of the "buffalo nickel" from 1913 to 1938. In 2005, the United States Mint coined a nickel with a new depiction of the bison as part of its "Westward Journey" series. The Kansas and North Dakota state quarters, part of the "50 State Quarter" series, each feature bison. The Kansas state quarter has only the bison and does not feature any writing, while the North Dakota state quarter has two bison. The Montana state quarter prominently features a bison skull over a landscape. The Yellowstone National Park quarter also features a bison standing next to a geyser.

Other institutions which have adopted the bison as a symbol or mascot include:

See also



  1. Gates, C., Aune, K (2008). Bison bison(อังกฤษ). In: IUCN 2008. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on November 10, 2008. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is "Near Threatened".
  2. Champlain, Samuel, Henry P. Biggar. 1929. The Works of Samuel de Champlain, vol 3. Toronto: Champlain Society. p. 105.
  3. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition:
  4. http://www.animalfactsencyclopedia.com/Buffalo-facts.html
  5. Halloran F.A., 1960, American Bison Weights and Measurements from the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, pp.212-218, Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science (POAS)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Gennady G. Boeskorov, Olga R. Potapova, Albert V. Protopopov, Valery V. Plotnikov, Larry D. Agenbroad, Konstantin S. Kirikov, Innokenty S. Pavlov, Marina V. Shchelchkova, Innocenty N. Belolyubskii, Mikhail D. Tomshin, Rafal Kowalczyk, Sergey P. Davydov, Stanislav D. Kolesov, Alexey N. Tikhonov, Johannes van der Plicht, 2016, The Yukagir Bison: The exterior morphology of a complete frozen mummy of the extinct steppe bison, Bison priscus from the early Holocene of northern Yakutia, Russia, pp.7, Quaternary International, Vol.406 (June 25, 2016), Part B, pp.94-110
  7. 7.0 7.1 Meagher, M. (1986). "Bison bison" (PDF). Mammalian Species (266): 1–8. JSTOR 3504019. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ December 29, 2011.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 McDonald, J., 1981. North American Bison: Their classification and Evolution. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London. 316 pp.
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  14. Roden, C., Vervaecke, H., & Van Elsacker, L. (2005). Dominance, age and weight in American bison males (Bison bison) during non-rut in semi-natural conditions. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 92(1), 169-177.
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  24. Soubrier, J.; Gower, G.; Chen, K.; Richards, S. M.; Llamas, B.; Mitchell, K. J.; Ho, S. Y. W.; Kosintsev, P.; Lee, M. S. Y.; Baryshnikov, G.; Bollongino, R.; Bover, P.; Burger, J.; Chivall, D.; Crégut-Bonnoure, E.; Decker, J. E.; Doronichev, V. B.; Douka, K.; Fordham, D. A.; Fontana, F.; Fritz, C.; Glimmerveen, J.; Golovanova, L. V.; Groves, C.; Guerreschi, A.; Haak, W.; Higham, T.; Hofman-Kamińska, E.; Immel, A.; Julien, M.-A.; Krause, J.; Krotova, O.; Langbein, F.; Larson, G.; Rohrlach, A.; Scheu, A.; Schnabel, R. D.; Taylor, J. F.; Tokarska, M.; Tosello, G.; van der Plicht, J.; van Loenen, A.; Vigne, J.-D.; Wooley, O.; Orlando, L.; Kowalczyk, R.; Shapiro, B.; Cooper, A. (2016). "Early cave art and ancient DNA record the origin of European bison". Nature Communications. 7 (13158): 13158. doi:10.1038/ncomms13158. PMC 5071849. PMID 27754477.
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  31. Wilson, M.C.; L.V. Hills & B. Shapiro (2008). "Late Pleistocene northward-dispersing Bison antiquus from the Bighill Creek Formation, Gallelli Gravel Pit, Alberta, Canada, and the fate of Bison occidentalis". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 45 (7): 827–59. doi:10.1139/E08-027.
  32. Lott, Dale F. (2002). American Bison: A Natural History. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-23338-6.
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  37. "Species Spotlight: American Bison".
  38. staff (March 3, 2010). "Restoring North America's Wild Bison to Their Home on the Range". Ens-newswire.com. สืบค้นเมื่อ February 19, 2011.
  39. Rurik List, Gerardo Ceballos, Charles Curtin, Peter J.P. Gogan, Jesus Pacheco, Joe Truett (November 7, 2007). "Historic Distribution and Challenges to Bison Recovery in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert". Conservation Biology. 21 (6): 1487–1494. doi:10.1111/j.1523-1739.2007.00810.x. PMID 18173472.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (ลิงก์)
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  43. Adams, James Truslow (1940). Dictionary of American History. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN 978-0-8226-0349-8.
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  51. Van Vuren, D. (1983). "Group dynamics and summer home range of bison in southern Utah". Journal of Mammalogy. 64 (2): 329–332. doi:10.2307/1380570. JSTOR 1380570.
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 McHugh, T. (1958). "Social behavior of the American buffalo (Bison bison bison)". Zoologica. 43: 1–40.
  53. Peden, D. G. Van Dyne; R. Rice; R. Hansen (1974). "The trophic ecology of Bison bison L. on shortgrass plains". Journal of Applied Ecology. 11 (2): 489–497. doi:10.2307/2402203. JSTOR 2402203.
  54. Popp, Jewel Kay. (1981). "Range Ecology of Bison on Mixed Grass Prairie at Wind Cave National Park". Unpubl. M.S. Thesis. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. 59 p.
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  56. 56.0 56.1 Wolff, J. O. (1998). "Breeding strategies, mate choice, and reproductive success in American bison". Okios. 83 (2): 529–544. doi:10.2307/3546680. JSTOR 3546680.
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 Green W. C. H. R., Aron (1993). "Persistent influences of birth date on dominance, growth and reproductive success in bison". Journal of Zoology. 230 (2): 177–185. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1993.tb02680.x.
  58. Vervaecke H, Roden C. (2006). "Going with the herd: same-sex interaction and competition in American bison". In: Sommer V, Vasey PL, (editors). Homosexual behaviour in animals. Cambridge University Press. pp. 131–53 ISBN 0-521-86446-1.
  59. 59.0 59.1 Coppedge, B. R.; Carter, T.S.; Shaw, J.H.; Hamilton, R.G. (1997). "Agonistic behavior associated with orphan bison (Bison bison) claves released into a mixed resident population". Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 55 (1–2): 1–10. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(97)00035-X.
  60. McMillan, Brock R.; Cottam, Michael R.; Kaufman, Donald W. (2000). "Wallowing Behavior of American Bison (Bos Bison) in Tallgrass Prairie: An Examination of Alternate Explanations". American Midland Naturalist. 144 (1): 159–67. doi:10.1674/0003-0031(2000)144[0159:WBOABB]2.0.CO;2. ISSN 0003-0031. JSTOR 3083019.
  61. Nickell, Zachary; Varriano, Sofia; Plemmons, Eric; Moran, Matthew D. (2018). "Ecosystem engineering by bison (Bison bison) wallowing increases arthropod community heterogeneity in space and time". Ecosphere. 9 (9): e02436. doi:10.1002/ecs2.2436.
  62. Mary Ann Franke (2005). To save the wild bison: life on the edge in Yellowstone. University of Oklahoma Press. p. 199. ISBN 978-0-8061-3683-7.
  63. Douglas W. Smith; Gary Ferguson (November 1, 2006). Decade of the Wolf: Returning the Wild to Yellowstone. Globe Pequot. p. 68. ISBN 978-1-59228-886-1.
  64. Carbyn LN; Trottier T (1988). "Descriptions of Wolf Attacks on Bison Calves in Wood Buffalo National Park" (PDF). Arctic. 41 (4): 297–302. doi:10.14430/arctic1736.
  65. Smith, Doug (March 1, 2009). "Bigger is better if you're a hungry wolf". Billings Gazette. สืบค้นเมื่อ September 7, 2014.
  66. Tom Olliff; Jim Caslick (2003). "Wildlife-Human Conflicts in Yellowstone: When Animals and People Get Too Close" (PDF). Yellowstone Science. 11 (1): 18–22. เก็บ (PDF)จากแหล่งเดิมเมื่อ October 28, 2011.
  67. Smits, David (Autumn 1994). "The Frontier Army and the Destruction of the Buffalo: 1865–1883" (PDF). The Western Historical Quarterly. 25 (3): 312–338. doi:10.2307/971110. JSTOR 971110. สืบค้นเมื่อ March 30, 2015.
  68. 68.0 68.1 68.2 68.3 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife (January 1965). "The American Buffalo". Conservation Note. 12.
  69. 69.0 69.1 69.2 Roe, Frank Gilbert (1951). The North American Buffalo. Toronto Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  70. Hornaday, William T. (1904). The American Natural History. New York: C. Scribner's Sons.
  71. Cahalane, Victor H. (1947). Mammals of North America. New York: The McMillan Company.
  72. Collins, Henry H. (1959). Complete Field Guide to American Wildlife. New York: Harper & Row.
  73. Liberty Hyde Bailey (1908). Cyclopedia of American Agriculture, Volume III: Animals. The MacMillan Company. p. 291.
  74. Remove Threats to Irreplaceable Bison Herd at Wind Cave National Park เก็บถาวร กรกฎาคม 23, 2011 ที่ เวย์แบ็กแมชชีน. PDF. FY 2006 Challenge Cost Share Program. Final Project Report. September 30, 2007. Retrieved on September 16, 2011.
  75. 75.0 75.1 Derr, James (October 24, 2006). American Bison: The Ultimate Genetic Survivor (PDF). The Ecological Future of North American Bison. คลังข้อมูลเก่าเก็บจากแหล่งเดิม (PDF)เมื่อ July 25, 2011. สืบค้นเมื่อ July 27, 2011.
  76. อ้างอิงผิดพลาด: ป้ายระบุ <ref> ไม่ถูกต้อง ไม่มีการกำหนดข้อความสำหรับอ้างอิงชื่อ PMID10382295
  77. Jawort, Adrian (May 9, 2011). "Genocide by Other Means: U.S. Army Slaughtered Buffalo in Plains Indian Wars". Indian Country Today. สืบค้นเมื่อ April 3, 2014.
  78. Elahe Izadi (May 9, 2016). "It's official: America's first national mammal is the bison". Washington Post.
  79. Nader, The (October 18, 2008). "Buffalo T-Shirt Sale – Ralph Nader for President in 2008". Votenader.org. สืบค้นเมื่อ February 19, 2011.

Further reading


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