
แม่แบบ:กล่องข้อมูล สี/doc

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี


Sample color
Some alt
CIE colorspace
Spectral coordinates
ความยาวคลื่นnum - num nm
Frequencynum - num THz
Common connotations
Some symbols
About these coordinates     Color coordinates
Hex triplet#0080FF
ระบบสี RGBB (r, g, b)(0, 128, 255)
CMYKH   (c, m, y, k)(C, M, Y, K)
HSV (h, s, v)(210°, 100%, 100%)
CIELChuv (h, s, v)(55, 117, 255°)
SourceSample color
คำอธิบาย ISCC–NBSSome iscc name
B: อยู่ในช่วง [0–255] (ไบต์)
H: อยู่ในช่วง [0–100] (ร้อย)
Some caveat
Some shades of Sample color
Darker sample 
Lighter sample 

The sRGB triplet, HSV, CIELchuv and (if enabled) CMYK coordinates are automatically calculated from the hex parameter, so they generally do not need to be specified. CMYK is hidden by default because it doesn't take color profiles into account.

Blank template


Minimal usage:

{{Infobox color
|title  = 
|hex    =
|source =

Full usage:

{{Infobox color
|title      = 
|hex        =
|hexref     =
|source     =
|bgcolor    =
|image      =  
|image_size =
|alt        =
|caption    =
|frequency  =
|wavelength =
|symbolism  =
|spelling   =
|cmyk       = <!-- Set to 1 to display -->
|c=|m=|y=|k=  <!-- Give CMYK only when you know what you are doing -- see notes. -->
|cmykref    =
|colorspace =
|isccname   =
|caveat     =
|variations = 
|variation1 =|variation1color=
|variation2 =|variation2color=
|variation3 =|variation3color=
|variation4 =|variation4color=
|variation5 =|variation5color=
|variation6 =|variation6color=
|variation7 =|variation7color=
|variation8 =|variation8color=

