

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

มอดูลนี้ใช้สำหรับการประมวลผลสำหรับแม่แบบกล่องผู้ใช้ทั้งสามรูปแบบคือ {{userbox}}, {{userbox-2}} และ {{userbox-r}}

แม่แบบ คำอธิบาย ตัวอย่าง
{{userbox}} Makes userboxes with an id on the left-hand side, or with no id.
{{userbox-2}} Makes userboxes with an id on both the left- and right-hand sides.
{{userbox-r}} Makes userboxes with an id on the right-hand side.

To use any of these templates from a wiki page, please see the individual template pages for documentation. To generate userboxes directly from Lua, read on.

Generating userboxes from Lua

To generate a userbox directly from Lua, first load the module.

local userbox = require('Module:Userbox')

You can then run any of the three templates with the code:

userbox.main(functionName, args)

For {{userbox}} use the function name "_userbox"; for {{userbox-2}} use the function name "_userbox-2"; and for {{userbox-r}} use the function name "_userbox-r". The args parameter is a table of arguments to pass to the different userbox functions. To see a list of valid arguments, please consult the individual template pages.

-- This module implements {{userbox}}.

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local htmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')
local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler').main

local p = {}

-- Helper functions

local function checkNum(val, default)
	-- Checks whether a value is a number greater than or equal to zero. If so,
	-- returns it as a number. If not, returns a default value.
	val = tonumber(val)
	if val and val >= 0 then
		return val
		return default

local function addSuffix(num, suffix)
	-- Turns a number into a string and adds a suffix.
	if num then
		return tostring(num) .. suffix
		return nil

local function checkNumAndAddSuffix(num, default, suffix)
	-- Checks a value with checkNum and adds a suffix.
	num = checkNum(num, default)
	return addSuffix(num, suffix)

local function makeCat(cat, sort)
	-- Makes a category link.
	if sort then
		return mw.ustring.format('[[Category:%s|%s]]', cat, sort)
		return mw.ustring.format('[[Category:%s]]', cat)

local function handleId(id, args)
	if id then
		local allNames = mw.site.namespaces[6].aliases
		allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].name
		allNames[#allNames + 1] = mw.site.namespaces[6].canonicalName
		for i, name in ipairs(allNames) do
			if mw.ustring.lower(mw.ustring.sub(id, 1, mw.ustring.len(name) + 1)) == mw.ustring.lower(name .. ":") then
				id = '[[' .. id .. '|' .. (args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'] or "40x40") .. 'px]]'
	return id

-- Argument processing

local function makeInvokeFunc(funcName)
	return function (frame)
		local args = getArgs(frame)
		return p.main(funcName, args)

p.userbox = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox')
p['userbox-2'] = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox-2')
p['userbox-r'] = makeInvokeFunc('_userbox-r')

-- Main functions

function p.main(funcName, args)
	local userboxData = p[funcName](args)
	local userbox = p.render(userboxData)
	local cats = p.categories(args)
	return userbox .. (cats or '')

function p._userbox(args)
	-- Does argument processing for {{userbox}}.
	local data = {}

	-- Get div tag values.
	data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'
	local borderWidthNum = checkNum(args['border-width'] or args['ความกว้างขอบ'] or args['border-s'], 1) -- Used to calculate width.
	data.borderWidth = addSuffix(borderWidthNum, 'px')
	data.borderColor = args['border-color'] or args['สีขอบ'] or args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id-c'] or '#999'
	data.width = addSuffix(240 - 2 * borderWidthNum, 'px') -- Also used in the table tag.
	data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass

	-- Get table tag values.
	data.backgroundColor = args['info-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลัง'] or args['สีพื้น'] or args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eee'

	-- Get id values.
	local id = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id
	data.id = handleId(id, args)
	data.showId = id and true or false
	data.idWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-width'] or args['id-w'], 45, 'px')
	data.idHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')
	data.idBackgroundColor = args['logo-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลังรูป'] or args['สีพื้นรูป'] or args[1] or args['id-c'] or '#ddd'
	data.idTextAlign = args['id-a'] or 'center'
	data.idFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'], 14, 'pt')
	data.idColor = args['logo-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์รูป'] or args['id-fc'] or 'black'
	data.idPadding = args['logo-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างรูป'] or args['id-p'] or '0 1px 0 0'
	data.idLineHeight = args['logo-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดรูป'] or args['id-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.idOtherParams = args['logo-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของรูป'] or args['id-op']
	data.idClass = args['id-class']

	-- Get info values.
	data.info = args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or args[4] or "''ข้อความ''"
	data.infoTextAlign = args['info-a'] or 'center'
	data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')
	data.infoHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')
	data.infoPadding = args['info-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างข้อความ'] or args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'
	data.infoLineHeight = args['info-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดข้อความ'] or args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.infoColor = args['info-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'
	data.infoOtherParams = args['info-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของข้อความ'] or args['info-op']
	data.infoClass = args['info-class']

	return data

p['_userbox-2'] = function (args)
	-- Does argument processing for {{userbox-2}}.
	local data = {}

	-- Get div tag values.
	data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'
	data.borderWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args[9] or args['border-s'], 1, 'px')
	data.borderColor = args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id1-c'] or '#999999'
	data.width = '238px' -- Also used in the table tag.
	data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass

	-- Get table tag values.
	data.backgroundColor = args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eeeeee'

	-- Get id values.
	data.showId = true
	data.id = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id1 or 'id1'
	data.idWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id1-w'], 45, 'px')
	data.idHeight = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id-h'], 45, 'px')
	data.idBackgroundColor = args[1] or args['id1-c'] or '#dddddd'
	data.idTextAlign = 'center'
	data.idFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id1-s'], 14, 'pt')
	data.idLineHeight = args['id1-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.idColor = args['id1-fc'] or 'black'
	data.idPadding = args['id1-p'] or '0 1px 0 0'
	data.idOtherParams = args['id1-op']

	-- Get info values.
	data.info = args[4] or args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or "''ข้อความ''"
	data.infoTextAlign = args['info-a'] or 'center'
	data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')
	data.infoColor = args[8] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'
	data.infoPadding = args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'
	data.infoLineHeight = args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.infoOtherParams = args['info-op']

	-- Get id2 values.
	data.showId2 = true
	data.id2 = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[5] or args.id2 or 'id2'
	data.id2Width = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id2-w'], 45, 'px')
	data.id2Height = data.idHeight
	data.id2BackgroundColor = args[7] or args['id2-c'] or args[1] or '#dddddd'
	data.id2TextAlign = 'center'
	data.id2FontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['id2-s'], 14, 'pt')
	data.id2LineHeight = args['id2-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.id2Color = args['id2-fc'] or 'black'
	data.id2Padding = args['id2-p'] or '0 0 0 1px'
	data.id2OtherParams = args['id2-op']

	return data

p['_userbox-r'] = function (args)
	-- Does argument processing for {{userbox-r}}.
	local data = {}

	-- Get div tag values.
	data.float = args.float or args['จัดลอย'] or 'left'
	data.borderWidth = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['border-width'] or args['ความกว้างขอบ'] or args['border-s'], 1, 'px')
	data.borderColor = args['border-color'] or args['สีขอบ'] or args[1] or args['border-c'] or args['id-c'] or '#999'
	data.width = '238px' -- Also used in the table tag.
	data.bodyClass = args.bodyclass
	-- Get table tag values.
	data.backgroundColor = args['info-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลัง'] or args['สีพื้น'] or args[2] or args['info-c'] or '#eee'

	-- Get id values.
	data.showId = false -- We only show id2 in userbox-r.

	-- Get info values.
	data.info = args.info or args['ข้อความ'] or args[4] or "''ข้อความ''"
	data.infoTextAlign = args['info-align'] or args['info-a'] or 'center'
	data.infoFontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['info-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-s'], 8, 'pt')
	data.infoPadding = args['info-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างข้อความ'] or args['info-p'] or '0 4px 0 4px'
	data.infoLineHeight = args['info-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดข้อความ'] or args['info-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.infoColor = args['info-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์ข้อความ'] or args['info-fc'] or 'black'
	data.infoOtherParams = args['info-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของข้อความ'] or args['info-op']
	-- Get id2 values.
	data.showId2 = true
	data.id2 = args.logo or args['ภาพ'] or args['รูป'] or args[3] or args.id or 'id'
	data.id2Width = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-width'] or args['id-w'], 45, 'px')
	data.id2Height = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-height'] or args['id-h'], 45, 'px')
	data.id2BackgroundColor = args['logo-background'] or args['สีพื้นหลังรูป'] or args['สีพื้นรูป'] or args[1] or args['id-c'] or '#ddd'
	data.id2TextAlign = args['id-a'] or 'center'
	data.id2FontSize = checkNumAndAddSuffix(args['logo-size'] or args['ขนาดฟอนต์รูป'] or args['ขนาดรูป'] or args[5] or args['id-s'], 14, 'pt')
	data.id2Color = args['logo-color'] or args['สีฟอนต์รูป'] or args['id-fc'] or 'black'
	data.id2Padding = args['logo-padding'] or args['ระยะห่างรูป'] or args['id-p'] or '0 0 0 1px'
	data.id2LineHeight = args['logo-line-height'] or args['ระยะบรรทัดรูป'] or args['id-lh'] or '1.25em'
	data.id2OtherParams = args['logo-other-param'] or args['ค่าอื่นของรูป'] or args['id-op']

	return data

function p.render(data)
	-- Renders the userbox html using the content of the data table. 
	-- Render the div tag html.
	local root = htmlBuilder.create('div')
		.css('float', data.float)
		.css('border', (data.borderWidth or '') .. ' solid ' .. (data.borderColor or ''))
		.css('margin', '1px')
		.css('width', data.width)

	-- Render the table tag html.
	local tableroot = root.tag('table')
		.css('border-collapse', 'collapse')
		.css('width', data.width)
		.css('margin-bottom', '0')
		.css('background', data.backgroundColor)
	-- Render the id html.
	local tablerow = tableroot.tag('tr')
	if data.showId then
			.css('border', '0')
			.css('width', data.idWidth)
			.css('height', data.idHeight)
			.css('background', data.idBackgroundColor)
			.css('text-align', data.idTextAlign)
			.css('font-size', data.idFontSize)
			.css('color', data.idColor)
			.css('padding', data.idPadding)
			.css('line-height', data.idLineHeight)
			.css('vertical-align', 'middle')

	-- Render the info html.
		.css('border', '0')
		.css('text-align', data.infoTextAlign)
		.css('font-size', data.infoFontSize)
		.css('padding', data.infoPadding)
		.css('height', data.infoHeight)
		.css('line-height', data.infoLineHeight)
		.css('color', data.infoColor)
		.css('vertical-align', 'middle')
	-- Render the second id html.
	if data.showId2 then
			.css('border', '0')
			.css('width', data.id2Width)
			.css('height', data.id2Height)
			.css('background', data.id2BackgroundColor)
			.css('text-align', data.id2TextAlign)
			.css('font-size', data.id2FontSize)
			.css('color', data.id2Color)
			.css('padding', data.id2Padding)
			.css('line-height', data.id2LineHeight)
			.css('vertical-align', 'middle')

	return tostring(root)

function p.categories(args, page)
	-- Gets categories from [[Module:Category handler]].
	-- The page parameter makes the function act as though the module was being called from that page.
	-- It is included for testing purposes.
	local cats = {}
	cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้']
	cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory2 or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้2']
	cats[#cats + 1] = args.usercategory3 or args['กลุ่มผู้ใช้3']
	-- Get the title object
	local title
	if page then
		title = mw.title.new(page)
		title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	if title.namespace  == 10 then
		cats[#cats + 1] = "กล่องผู้ใช้"
	if #cats > 0 then
		-- Build category handler arguments.
		local chargs = {}
		chargs.page = page
		chargs.nocat = args.nocat
		if args.notcatsubpages then
			chargs.subpage = 'no'
		-- User namespace.
		local user = ''
		for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do
			user = user .. makeCat(cat)
		chargs.user = user
		-- Template namespace.
		local basepage = title.baseText
		local template = ''
		for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do
			template = template .. makeCat(cat, ' ' .. basepage)
		chargs.template = template
		return categoryHandler(chargs)
		return nil

return p