
มอดูล:Adjacent stations/London Underground

จากวิกิพีเดีย สารานุกรมเสรี
Documentation icon คู่มือการใช้งานมอดูล[ดู] [แก้] [ประวัติ] [ล้างแคช]

This is a data module for Module:Adjacent stations. It supports services operated by London Underground.

Current lines

สายเบเคอร์ลู Bakerloo
or bakerloo or brown
  a45a2a สายเบเคอร์ลู
สายเซ็นทรัล Central
or central or red
  da291c สายเซ็นทรัล
สายเซอร์เคิล Circle
or circle or yellow
  ffcd00 สายเซอร์เคิล
สายดิสทริกต์ District
or district or green
  007a33 สายดิสทริกต์
สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี Hammersmith & City
or hammersmith or pink
  e89cae สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี
สายจูบิลี Jubilee
or jubilee or grey
  7c878e สายจูบิลี
สายเมโทรโพลิตัน Metropolitan
or metropolitan or met or magenta
  840b55 สายเมโทรโพลิตัน
สายนอร์ธเธิร์น Northern
or northern or north or black
  000000 สายนอร์ธเธิร์น
สายพิคะดิลี Piccadilly
or piccadilly or dark-blue
  10069f สายพิคะดิลี
สายวิกตอเรีย Victoria
or victoria or light-blue
  00a3e0 สายวิกตอเรีย
สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี Waterloo & City
or waterloo or turquoise
  6eceb2 สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี

Former and unbuilt lines

Chelsea-Hackney line Chelsea-Hackney   8cc63e
สายอีสต์ลอนดอน East London   ffa300
Fleet line Fleet   414b56
เกรทนอร์เทิร์นแอนด์สแตรนด์ Great Northern & Strand   10069f

local x = "สถานี%1"
local rs = "สถานีรถไฟ%1"
local default = "สถานีรถไฟใต้ดิน%1"
local Q_type = "<span class=\"error\">ระบุสายย่อย</span>"

local p = {
	["system title"] = "[[รถไฟใต้ดินลอนดอน]]",
	["system icon"] = "[[File:Underground no-text.svg|18px|link=รถไฟใต้ดินลอนดอน]]",
	["station format"] = {
		[""] = "[[]]",
	["lines"] = {
		["_default"] = {
			["title"] = "[[%1 line]]",
			["color"] = "10069f",
			["text color"] = "ffffff"
		["Bakerloo"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายเบเคอร์ลู]]",
			["short name"] = "สายเบเคอร์ลู",
			["color"] = "a45a2a",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Bakerloo line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายเบเคอร์ลู|alt=สายเบเคอร์ลู]]",
			["left terminus"] = "แฮร์โรวแอนด์เวลด์สโตน",
			["right terminus"] = "เอเลแฟนต์แอนด์แคสเสิล",
			["types"] = {
				["Stanmore"] = {
					["title"] = "[[สายเบเคอร์ลู#Stanmore branch|สายย่อยสแตนมอร์]] (1939–1979)",
					["left terminus"] = "สแตนมอร์",
					["right terminus"] = "เอเลแฟนต์แอนด์แคสเสิล"
		["Central"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายเซ็นทรัล]]",
			["short name"] = "สายเซ็นทรัล",
			["color"] = "da291c",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Central line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายเซ็นทรัล|alt=สายเซ็นทรัล]]",
			["left terminus"] = {"อีลิงบรอดเวย์", "West Ruislip"},
			["right terminus"] = {"Epping", "Hainault", "Woodford", ["via"] = "Newbury Park"},
			["types"] = {
				["Ealing Broadway"] = {
					["title"] = "สายย่อยอีลิงบรอดเวย์",
					["left terminus"] = "อีลิงบรอดเวย์"
				["Ruislip"] = {
					["title"] = "Ruislip Branch",
					["left terminus"] = "West Ruislip"
		["Circle"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายเซอร์เคิล]]",
			["short name"] = "สายเซอร์เคิล",
			["color"] = "ffcd00",
			["text color"] = "0613AA",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Circle line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายเซอร์เคิล|alt=สายเซอร์เคิล]]",
			["circular"] = true,	--for custom links to terminus
			["left terminus"] = Q_type,
			["right terminus"] = Q_type,
			["types"] = {
				["section 1"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "แฮมเมอร์สมิธ",
					["right terminus"] = {"ถนนเอดจ์แวร์", ["via"] = "แอลด์เกต"}
				["section 2"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"แฮมเมอร์สมิธ", ["via"] = "คิงส์ครอสสตรีทแพนแครส"},
					["right terminus"] = {"ถนนเอดจ์แวร์", ["via"] = "วิกตอเรีย"}
				["section 3"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"ถนนเอดจ์แวร์", ["via"] = "วิกตอเรีย"},
					["right terminus"] = {"แฮมเมอร์สมิธ", ["via"] = "คิงส์ครอสสตรีทแพนแครส"}
				["section 4"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"ถนนเอดจ์แวร์", ["via"] = "วิกตอเรีย"},
					["right terminus"] = {"แฮมเมอร์สมิธ", ["via"] = "ทาวเวอร์ฮิล"}
				["section 5"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "ถนนเอดจ์แวร์",
					["right terminus"] = {"แฮมเมอร์สมิธ", ["via"] = "ทาวเวอร์ฮิล"}
				["section 6"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"แฮมเมอร์สมิธ", ["via"] = "ทาวเวอร์ฮิล"},
					["right terminus"] = "ถนนเอดจ์แวร์"
		["Chelsea-Hackney"] = {
			["short name"] = "สายเชลซี-แฮคนีย์",
			["color"] = "8cc63e"
		["District"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายดิสทริกต์]]",
			["short name"] = "สายดิสทริกต์",
			["color"] = "007a33",
			["icon"] = "[[File:District line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายดิสทริกต์|alt=สายดิสทริกต์]]",
			["left terminus"] = {"วิมเบิลดัน", "ริชมอนด์", "อีลิงบรอดเวย์"},
			["right terminus"] = {"อัพมินสเตอร์", "ไฮ สตรีต เคนซิงตัน", "ถนนเอดจ์แวร์"},
			["types"] = {
				["Deep"] = {	--Abandoned plan
					["title"] = "Deep-level route\n(1898–1908)",
					["left terminus"] = {"วิมเบิลดัน", "ริชมอนด์", "อีลิงบรอดเวย์", "เฮาน์สโลว์ เวสต์"},
					["right terminus"] = "แมนชันเฮาส์"
				["Ealing Broadway"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "อีลิงบรอดเวย์",
					["right terminus"] = {"อัพมินสเตอร์", "ไฮ สตรีต เคนซิงตัน"}
				["Edgware"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "วิมเบิลดัน",
					["right terminus"] = "ถนนเอดจ์แวร์"
				["Richmond"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "ริชมอนด์",
					["right terminus"] = "อัพมินสเตอร์"
				["Upminster"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["right terminus"] = "อัพมินสเตอร์"
				["Uxbridge"] = {
					["title"] = "(1910–1933)",
					["left terminus"] = "อักซ์บริดจ์",
					["right terminus"] = "อัพมินสเตอร์"
				["West"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"อีลิงบรอดเวย์", "ริชมอนด์"},
					["right terminus"] = {"อัพมินสเตอร์", "ไฮ สตรีต เคนซิงตัน"}
				["Wimbledon"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "วิมเบิลดัน",
					["right terminus"] = {"ถนนเอดจ์แวร์", "อัพมินสเตอร์"}
		["East London"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายอีสต์ลอนดอน#London Underground era|สายอีสต์ลอนดอน]]",
			["short name"] = "สายอีสต์ลอนดอน",
			["color"] = "ffa300",
			["left terminus"] = "Shoreditch",
			["right terminus"] = {"New Cross", "New Cross Gate"}
		["Fleet"] = {
			["color"] = "414b56"
		["Great Northern & Strand"] = {
			["title"] = "[[Great Northern, Piccadilly and Brompton Railway|เกรทนอร์เทิร์นแอนด์สแตรนด์]]",
			["short name"] = "เกรทนอร์เทิร์นแอนด์สแตรนด์",
			["color"] = "10069f",
			["left terminus"] = "Strand",
			["right terminus"] = "Wood Green"
		["Hammersmith & City"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี]]",
			["short name"] = "สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี",
			["color"] = "e89cae",
			["text color"] = "0613AA",
			["icon"] = "[[File:H&c line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี|alt=สายแฮมเมอร์สมิธและซิตี]]",
			["left terminus"] = "แฮมเมอร์สมิธ",
			["right terminus"] = "บากกิง"
		["Jubilee"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายจูบิลี]]",
			["short name"] = "สายจูบิลี",
			["color"] = "7c878e",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Jubilee line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายจูบิลี|alt=สายจูบิลี]]",
			["left terminus"] = "สแตนมอร์",
			["right terminus"] = "สแตมฟอร์ด",
			["types"] = {
				["phase 2"] = {
					["title"] = "ระยะ 2 (ไม่เคยสร้าง)",
					["right terminus"] = {"New Cross Gate", "Lewisham"}
				["phase 3"] = {
					["title"] = "ระยะ 3 (1980) (ไม่เคยสร้าง)",
					["right terminus"] = {"Woolwich Arsenal", "Beckton"}
		["Metropolitan"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายเมโทรโพลิตัน]]",
			["short name"] = "สายเมโทรโพลิตัน",
			["color"] = "840b55",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Metropolitan line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายเมโทรโพลิตัน|alt=สายเมโทรโพลิตัน]]",
			["left terminus"] = {"อักซ์บริดจ์", "Amersham", "Chesham", "Watford"},
			["right terminus"] = {"Baker Street", "แอลด์เกต"},
			["types"] = {
				["1868–1939"] = {
					["title"] = "(1868–1939)",
					["left terminus"] = {"อักซ์บริดจ์", "Aylesbury", "Chesham", "Watford"}
				["Stanmore"] = {
					["title"] = "สายย่อยสแตนมอร์ (1932–1939)",
					["left terminus"] = "สแตนมอร์",
					["right terminus"] = {"Baker Street", "แอลด์เกต"}
				["Two"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"Amersham", "Chesham"}
				["Three"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"Amersham", "Chesham", "Watford"}
				["Uxbridge"] = {
					["title"] = "สายย่อยอักซ์บริดจ์",
					["left terminus"] = "อักซ์บริดจ์"
		["Northern"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายนอร์ธเธิร์น]]",
			["short name"] = "สายนอร์ธเธิร์น",
			["color"] = "000000",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Northern line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายนอร์ธเธิร์น|alt=สายนอร์ธเธิร์น]]",
			["left terminus"] = {"Edgware", "Mill Hill East", "High Barnet"},
			["right terminus"] = {"Battersea Power Station", "Morden"},
			["types"] = {
				["Charing Cross"] = {
					["title"] = "Charing Cross Branch",
					["right terminus"] = {"Battersea Power Station", "Morden", "Kennington"}
				["Bank"] = {
					["title"] = "Bank Branch",
					["right terminus"] = "Morden"
				["Edgware"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "Edgware",
					["right terminus"] = {"Battersea Power Station", "Morden", "Kennington"}
				["High Barnet"] = {
					["title"] = "High Barnet branch",
					["left terminus"] = {"High Barnet", "Mill Hill East"},
					["right terminus"] = {"Battersea Power Station", "Morden", "Kennington"}
				["Morden"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = {"Edgware", "High Barnet", "Mill Hill East"},
					["right terminus"] = "Morden"
				["Northern Heights"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["left terminus"] = "Bushey Heath",
					["right terminus"] = {"Morden", "Kennington"}
		["Piccadilly"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายพิคะดิลี]]",
			["short name"] = "สายพิคะดิลี",
			["color"] = "10069f",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Piccadilly line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายพิคะดิลี|alt=สายพิคะดิลี]]",
			["left terminus"] = {"อักซ์บริดจ์", "Rayners Lane", "Heathrow"},
			["right terminus"] = {"Cockfosters", "Arnos Grove"},
			["types"] = {
				["Cockfosters"] = {
					["title"] = "",
					["right terminus"] = "Cockfosters"
				["Heathrow"] = {
					["title"] = "[[Piccadilly line#Heathrow branch|Heathrow branch]]",
					["left terminus"] = "Heathrow"
				["Uxbridge"] = {
					["title"] = "[[Piccadilly line#Uxbridge branch|สายย่อยอักซ์บริดจ์]]",
					["left terminus"] = {"อักซ์บริดจ์", "Rayners Lane"}
		["Victoria"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายวิกตอเรีย]]",
			["short name"] = "สายวิกตอเรีย",
			["color"] = "00a3e0",
			["icon"] = "[[File:Victoria line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายวิกตอเรีย|alt=สายวิกตอเรีย]]",
			["left terminus"] = "Brixton",
			["right terminus"] = "Walthamstow Central"
		["Waterloo & City"] = {
			["title"] = "[[สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี]]",
			["short name"] = "สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี",
			["color"] = "6eceb2",
			["text color"] = "0613AA",
			["icon"] = "[[File:W&c line roundel (no text).svg|18px|link=สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี|alt=สายวอเตอร์ลูและซิตี]]",
			["left terminus"] = "วอเตอร์ลู",
			["right terminus"] = "แบงก์"
		-- Old railway lines, all out of use and using what would eventually become London Underground stations
		["District Railway"] = {
			["title"] = "[[District Railway]]",
			["note-mid"] = "(1868–1933)",
			["color"] = "007a33",
			["left terminus"] = "West Brompton",
			["right terminus"] = "แมนชันเฮาส์"
		["London and South Western Railway"] = {
			["title"] = "[[London and South Western Railway]]",
			["note-mid"] = "(1869–1916)",
			["color"] = "CC9999",
			["left terminus"] = "ริชมอนด์",
			["right terminus"] = "West Brompton"
		["Metropolitan Railway"] = {
			["title"] = "[[Metropolitan Railway]]",
			["note-mid"] = "(1877–1906)",
			["color"] = "810541",
			["left terminus"] = "ริชมอนด์",
			["right terminus"] = "Paddington"
		["Great Western Railway"] = {
			["title"] = "[[Great Western Railway]]",
			["note-mid"] = "(1894–1910)",
			["color"] = "8f691e",
			["left terminus"] = "ริชมอนด์",
			["right terminus"] = "Paddington"
		["Midland Railway"] = {
			["title"] = "[[Midland Railway]]",
			["note-mid"] = "(1878–1880)",
			["color"] = "DC143C",
			["left terminus"] = "St Pancras",
			["right terminus"] = "Earl's Court"
		-- Colours only for backward compatiblity with LUL colour template
		["Crossrail 2"] = {
			["title"] = "[[Crossrail 2]]",
			["color"] = "e1eb5b",
			["left terminus"] = "?",
			["right terminus"] = "?"
		["London Cable Car"] = {
			["title"] = "[[London Cable Car]]",
			["color"] = "c8102e",
			["left terminus"] = "?",
			["right terminus"] = "?"
		["London River Services"] = {
			["title"] = "[[London River Services]]",
			["color"] = "00a3e0",
			["left terminus"] = "?",
			["right terminus"] = "?"
	["aliases"] = {
		["bakerloo"] = "Bakerloo",
		["brown"] = "Bakerloo",
		["central"] = "Central",
		["red"] = "Central",
		["yellow"] = "Circle",
		["circle"] = "Circle",
		["district"] = "District",
		["green"] = "District",
		["hammersmith"] = "Hammersmith & City",
		["pink"] = "Hammersmith & City",
		["jubilee"] = "Jubilee",
		["grey"] = "Jubilee",
		["magenta"] = "Metropolitan",
		["met"] = "Metropolitan",
		["metropolitan"] = "Metropolitan",
		["northern"] = "Northern",
		["north"] = "Northern",
		["black"] = "Northern",
		["piccadilly"] = "Piccadilly",
		["dark-blue"] = "Piccadilly",
		["light-blue"] = "Victoria",
		["victoria"] = "Victoria",
		["waterloo"] = "Waterloo & City",
		["turquoise"] = "Waterloo & City",
		["eal"] = "London Cable Car",
		["river"] = "London River Services"

return p