คำอธิบายKing Tofizon of Dadra, 1780 (coloured engraving).jpg
English: Credit: King Tofizon of Dadra, 1780 (coloured engraving), Duflos, Pierre (1742-1816) / Private Collection / The Stapleton Collection / The Bridgeman Art Library STC 478405
Image number:
King Tofizon of Dadra, 1780 (coloured engraving)
Duflos, Pierre (1742-1816)
Primary creator:
Private Collection
The Stapleton Collection
coloured engraving
Illustration from 'Recueil d'estampes représentant les grades, les rangs et les dignités suivant le costume de toutes les nations existantes...', published in Paris, 1780. Dadra lies on the west coast of the Indian subcontinent in the Maratha territories near Bombay.
1780 (18th)
Costume and Fashion
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↑Copyright extensions must be considered only in the case of musical works and of authors Mort pour la France (died during conflict, in the service of France). In other cases, they are included in the 70 years post mortem auctoris length (see this statement of the Cour de Cassation).
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