การใช้ข้ามโครงการสำหรับ "ไฟล์:Presidential Standard of Greece (1973-1974).svg"
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- Flag of Greece
- Georgios Papadopoulos
- Odysseas Angelis
- Greek junta
- Dimitrios Ioannidis
- Stylianos Pattakos
- Nikolaos Makarezos
- 1973 Greek republic referendum
- 1968 Greek constitutional referendum
- Greek junta trials
- Athens Polytechnic uprising
- Greek Constitution of 1968
- Template:Greek junta
- Michael Roufogalis
- Greek Constitution of 1973
- Anthem of the 21st of April
- Alexandros Hatzipetros
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- Dittatura dei colonnelli
- Faidōn Gkizikīs
- Geōrgios Papadopoulos
- Geōrgios Zōitakīs
- Adamantios Androutsopoulos
- Dīmītrios Iōannidīs
- Kōnstantinos Kollias
- Nikolaos Makarezos
- Stylianos Pattakos
- Metapolitefsi
- Rivolta del Politecnico di Atene
- Referendum sulla Repubblica in Grecia del 1973
- Referendum costituzionale in Grecia del 1968
- Template:Dittatura dei colonnelli
- Esiliati interni in Grecia
- Inno greco del 21 aprile
- Costituzione greca del 1968
- Nazionalismo greco
- Processi alla Giunta greca